
Huger is the leading manufacturer of HOT MELT ADHESIVES that in some product categories has gained great reputation through the world. Our business can be defined as selling Quality and this is the most sticking thing between us and our Customers and what keeps such relation is our Knowledge-based vision.

To keep our quality strategy and achieve breakthroughs, Huger was powered by experienced intelligent chemists and engineers beside advanced laboratorial facilities and market oriented Research and Development plans.

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Huger is the leading manufacturer of HOT MELT ADHESIVES that in some product categories has gained great reputation through the world. Our business can be defined as selling Quality and this is the most sticking thing between us and our Customers and what keeps such relation is our Knowledge-based vision.

To keep our quality strategy and achieve breakthroughs, Huger was powered by experienced intelligent chemists and engineers beside advanced laboratorial facilities and market oriented Research and Development plans.

More about Huger

Huger Hot Melts Adhesives provide customers with many advantages